The regulations in the Netherlands are very welcoming to foreign skydivers. However, there are some basic requirements. You need:

  • proof of membership of your national parachuting association;
  • proof of a third-party liability insurance covering skydiving;
  • an easily verifiable jumping log (generally: jump number, date, location, exit altitude, freefall time and type of jump);
  • a parachuting licence;
  • a valid self-declaration of fitness to skydive or a declaration by a physician as specified by the KNVvL (not required for B-licence and higher).

If you are incidentally skydiving in the Netherlands and if you have your own gear, then you are allowed to adhere to the rules of your own country regarding the validity of the reserve repack and other inspection and maintainance of your gear. There are no other general exceptions to the regulations, so check them out. You can use Google Translate to translate a document. It is even better to ask a skydiving friend to go through it together. Make sure you get a thorough briefing on the drop zone and tell the instructor what type of jump you are planning. An instructor can tell you if you are allowed to make that type of jump.

Foreign tandem masters and AFF jumpmasters wishing to jump as such in the Netherlands need an exemption from the Basic Safety Regulations (BVR). Applicants should contact the relevant chief instructor of the club. The chief instructor will send all required documents to the KNVvL and you will receive the decision. You must become a member, before you can make the payment for the exemption through The cost is € 100 on an annual basis. There is no extra cost for an extension within a calender year (after renewal of medical certification for example). There is no extra cost either for extending your AFF exemption with a tandem exemption and vice versa. The required documents are:

  • proof of a valid foreign AFF/tandem license;
  • a written declaration of a KNVvL AFF/tandem examiner that applicant has received instruction in KNVvL regulations regarding AFF/tandem jumping, including a positive advice regarding the applicant;
  • a written positive advice of the chairman of the Training and Exam Committee (OPEX) of KNVvL department of parachuting.

Specifically for tandem instructors:

  • a written declaration of chief instructor that applicant has made more then 1000 freefall parachute jumps, after checking the jumping log;
  • a written declaration of chief instructor that applicant has made more than 100 tandem jumps in the past 2 years;
  • a copy of a valid ICAO Class II or Class I medical certification.

Specifically for AFF instructors:

  • a written declaration by a chief instructor that applicant has made more than 500 formation skydives, after checking the jumping log; 
  • a written declaration by chief instructor that applicant has made more then 100 AFF jumps in the past 2 years.

The Dutch parachuting championships and indoor skydiving championships usually are open championships. That means everybody can compete. If you wish to compete for a Dutch medal or record, you need an FAI sporting licence. If you want to represent the Netherlands at an international competition, you also need a sporting licence. According to FAI regulations you can get a sporting licence if you are a KNVvL member and are a Dutch citizen or resident. Do you not have Dutch citizenship? Send a copy of your residence permit or an exerpt (including English translation) of the Personal Records Database (BRP) when you submit your application.

Send an e-mail to to apply for a sporting licence. You can read more about the procedure and the cost on the KNVvL website. You can check if your application has been succesful on the FAI website.